This tool converts numbers and data from any base.

Most converters seem to be quite limited, so I made this.
The problem is that it does not fully work :D

Example to convert from base-2 (binary) to base-36 (e.g.: 0-9, a-z):

1. Set the first character set field to 01 and the second one to
   0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz or
   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789, or any order you like.
   Or pick another character set. It will be base 36 so long as you
   enter 36 characters in the target character set field.
2. Enter 1100 in the first data field as an example.
3. Notice that the intermediate decimal value correctly shows twelve.
4. The output at the bottom will show garbage because I haven't fixed that yet.

Character set fields are eval()'d before use and so accept any Javascript
escape sequence, such as \n and \u000c.

This is accurate until about 1e17 from a quick test.
For larger numbers, use Python.
From Data:
Character set:
Presets: Hexadecimal - base64 - ASCII

Intermediate Decimal:
Character set:

To Data:
Character set:
Use the from character set.