Welcome, human!
This tool generates all possible combinations from a partial string where
characters are missing. This was built once because I had a hard time
reading a customer's handwriting and I had to bruteforce the password.
For example I knew it was yzbr*nga*r but the *s were unknown.

Accepted format: certain(possibility|possibility)certain
For example: yzbr(1|i|l)gna(O|Q)r
Generates: yzbr1gnaOr; yzbrignaOr; yzbrlgnaOr; yzbr1gnaQr; yzbrignaQr; yzbrlgnaQr

Escape character is a backslash, example: a\((0\||1)b\)c\\d produces: a(0|b)c\d and a(1b)c\d

You can view the source by appending ?source to the URL.