Short URLs

Tags: my blog.
By lucb1e on 2012-01-21 13:45:54 +0100

After thinking it trough and trough and trough, I've finally settled on a short URL scheme:!shortname
Shortname can be a custom name I can set, or a blogpost ID.

Why this?
Well would conflict with files on my server. I could include a long explaination what problems it would arise and how I could overcome them, but in the end it comes down to: It gets too complex. For something like this, I want to keep it as simple as possible. Preferably just one line of htaccess.

The most logical way after this was to use a subdirectory:
This was recognisable and easy to implement, but I dislike it. Other sites may use it all they like, but I want something more special and shorter. What is shorter than "g/"? Not much. What is easier to type than "g/"? Not much. But I did think of some things.
The g would represent the goto, but unlike /g/ it wouldn't require a second slash. I did impement it (went easier than I had expected), but quickly found it to be confusing. There was no separator between the indication that it was a shortname and the shortname itself. I might have used or /Xshortname, but that too was rather confusing.

Then I realised that might be something. Insanely quick to type and as short as it gets (after just The only "but" was that users would find it confusing, two slashes? Was that a typo? Users wouldn't get it and they would mistake it.

Subdomains then, perhaps?
I really liked the idea, until I realised it would need to lookup the domain again and again. Not a big problem, but every milisecond counts in user experience, and I'm already hosting via a relatively slow home connection. According to site24x7 my website loads in 40-55ms on average, but that's from a Dutch server. A DNS lookup can easily double that loading time.

Next I tried a greater-than-sign:>shortname
This seemed pretty good, an arrow-like sign to go to some place on the site. I tried to implement it, but Apache threw a fit again which I lost. It didn't want greater-than signs in a URL. At all. Even if they got forwarded, parsed otherwise, or anything else.

Lastly I looked up what characters were valid for an URL and chose one from that. They wouldn't have to be urlencoded so it would be 1 byte extra instead of 3 in the connection, and if someone entered a shortlink with a character that should be encoded but isn't, it wouldn't work.

So I settled on bangs. And they use an internal redirect, so only one HTTP request is needed to get the page. Try it yourself on this post:!54

Update: Because relative URLs broke on this, I've changed it to external redirects. The redirect is a 301 though ("Moved Permanently"), so it gets cached. Use a /!shortname once, and the next time the browser will remember it was a redirect, thus doing it instantaneously.
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